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Thread - Move time and game time

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#1 - 9 Oct 2009

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Move time and game time

Perhaps I have not read, or rather understood, quite well the instructions of  this site.

Anyhow, excuse me the bothering, I am new, but can some body explain me that thing about move time and game time.

Right now I am playing a game with move time of 3 days and game time of 8 days (or nearly so, it does not matter for my question).

--My opponent delayed a move for more than 3 days (but within the game time)
--I kept expecting the site to recognize the move delay, but it did not
--opponent came back after move time and the game kept on as if nothing happened

(By the way I do not care, since I play for entertainment and study, not rating or rank)

But the point is the regulations.

What is the sense of having two times in a game if one time can override the other at pleasure?

I other sites if the move time is completed you can claim victory. Which I think is right-

Any explanation?  Thanks
#2 - 9 Oct 2009

Posted By:
Stoney X

There is a description in the Help/FAQs section.


Hope this helps.
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