How can I unsubscribe, please?
At present there is no way to remove your player profile. The simplest way to 'unsubscribe' is to change the email address in your user profile to be a non-existant email address. That way you won't receive any emails from the site.
Also, why does the site inform me about my defeat by timeout, but not warn me that it is about to happen, before it happens?
Your opponent has the option to send a reminder if he/she feels like doing so. The timeout email is as a result of your opponent actually claiming the timeout. I'm thinking that a future enhancement would be to automatically send an email shortly before the timeout point is reached. This would be an option in the player profile. I'll add this to the list of thngs to do.
Thanks for your helpful replies.
Timeout Warnings
Sounds like a good idea, but if I'm at home or someplace where I can get an email warning, I usually log onto the site to check my games more quickly and easily than wading through my emails.
Same thing with notification of challenges, etc.
I honestly believe that the option of emailing a timeout warning to an opponent is also somewhat superficial. Doing so may make the eventual claimant "feel better", but if you don't get the email for the same reason you didn't make a move, what's accomplished?
If the site arbitrarily awards a timeout win, on the expiration of the allotted time, there isn't anything unfair, and the onus of "sportsmanship" isn't placed on the opponent who made his moves on time.
In OTB tournament play, I don't know a single player who would hesitate one moment after his opponents flag fell, or whose remaining time hits 00:00 to claim a win. Why would it be any different in the correspondence format? Time limits are a part of the rules, which we must account for just as are checkmate, and pawn promotion. If we have lost by timeout, there is nothing wrong with our opponent claiming it.
I'm sure you are aware that when it comes to playing chess over the internet the question of how to handle 'missing' players will always be debated. For now I don't intend changing the timeout process for non-tournament games, but tournament games will be subject to system timeouts.