Hi, I was born in London England, now live in the county of Northamptonshire. Found this site today . Looks great, if I can find my way about. Hope to play fairly regularly.
[Edited : 4 Jan 2009]
I am from Poland, and I play here since almost two years.
Hi people, I'm from Tunisia , but living now in France.
I think it is wonderful to see where other players come from and it's a pity more of them do not contribute to this stream. I do not travel abroad any more, but enjoy the thought of playing people in other countries ......as well as my own country of course. Even then it is nice to know which part of uk they inhabit.
War of the Roses
Google my name to see where I currently live, and then google "Battle of Bosworth" to see where I spent my youth and for some English history... "a horse, a horse, my kingdom for a horse".. a famous quote from King Richard III who died in the battle.
Kirby I don't want to appear too pedantic but I think you'll find the quote was actually written by shakespeare in his play ABOUT Richard.
Kirby I don't want to appear too pedantic but I think you'll find the quote was actually written by shakespeare in his play ABOUT Richard 111.
[Edited : 22 Feb 2009]
Kirby I don't want to appear too pedantic but I think you'll find the quote was actually written by shakespeare in his play ABOUT Richard 111, not richard himself.
[Edited : 24 Feb 2009]
Kirby I don't want to appear too pedantic but I think you'll find the quote was actually written by shakespeare in his play ABOUT Richard 111, not by Richard himself.
[Edited : 24 Feb 2009]
The Last Plantagenet
Hi Drip, I thought you might have pulled me up for having two ands in one sentence!! I know you are older than most but no one can be sure what King Richard said or didn't say, but you are correct it was (also) a quote from a Shakespeare play. :-)
Hi all I am from Conception of Uruguay, Argentine and I suscribe today at Chessontheweb.
Welcome to the site ditto. Say Kirby, wouldn't you think with all these members, that some of them would have something to chat about? I think this forum would die a death if it wasn't for the likes of you and I. Here it is March and nobody has had anything to say since ditto joined. I've even tried writing to a fellow in his own language and he can't be bothered to answer.
My location
Kolkata, India.
this is my birth place
Come visit anytime!
A small tropical island off the east coast of Australia called Mudgee.