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Thread - Humour in Chess - mate in 12 moves!

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#1 - 27 Jan 2015

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Humour in Chess - mate in 12 moves!

Composer unknown:White moves and wins.

White have on:Qc2,Kd2,Pawns on:e2,f2,g2

Black have on:Pawns on:a2,b2,Ka1

Who manages this task with all the moves right, first?
#2 - 3 Feb 2015

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Humour in Chess - mate in 12 moves!

Hi all! Here are here is the solution to the puzzle, easy when you know how to..

1.Qc3 Kb1 2.Qd3+ Ka1 3.Qd4 Kb1 4.Qe4+ Ka1 5.Qe5 Kb1 6.Qf5+ [The white Queen is moving in small triangles, going steadily further away from the black King. It is mysterious and fascinating... ] ..6...Ka1 7.Qf6 Kb1 8.Qg6+ Ka1 9.Qg7 Kb1 10.Qh7+ Ka1 11.Qh8 Kb1 [A long time ago, a teacher might have told a child who misbehaved during a lesson, to go and stand in a corner of the room for a while. Here the white Queen is in a corner, but she hasn't been naughty. Everything is in order.] She slip and falls down to 12.Qh1#
#3 - 4 Feb 2015

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Fascinating! Never would've gotten it myself. Muchas gracias!
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